Monday, June 27, 2011


I have been really busy lately and have not had time for blogging. So here's an update post for anyone who cares.

Job Hunt/First Interview:
So I had my first interview last Monday. It was in Person County way up near the Virginia border. I did not want to drive the 3.5 hours there on the morning of, so I stayed the night in Greensboro with one of my best friends, Emily. We had a really good time the night before grilling out and what not. Of course I did NOT sleep the night before. I got up the next day at 6 and left by 7 (even though my interview wasn't until like 11:00 and it was 1.5 hours away). I had to stop at Target to buy shoes because I forgot mine. The way up was pretty uneventful other than my steering wheel would not stop shaking whenever I got up to a speed over 60 miles per hour (had to get my tired balanced after which fixed the problem).

I still ended up getting to the school early, so I found it and then went for breakfast. I thought this place was in the sticks, but when I keyed in places to eat on my GPS and realized the nearest fast food place was 12 miles away...I knew I was in the sticks. Nothing wrong with country at all, just something I am not too used to growing up near Charlotte. I ended up eating at a total hole in the wall, which is apparently where all of the locals go. My breakfast was greasy and delicious, and everyone was so supportive towards me about my interview and wished me good luck when I left.

When I got to the school, I had to wait for a few minutes and I saw some of the other people interviewing there. I knew I had a one-up on a girl because she was NOT dressed well at all and her hair was still wet. When it was my turn to go in, the principal made a big deal that it was my FIRST interview then told me I was 1 of 6 out of 200 picked for the interview, and they would hire one of us. I barely answered their questions because I was freaked out, and I talked with my hands the whole time. Like out of control talked with my hands.

I did not get the job, BUT it was because the principal thought I would be better for a primary grade teaching position instead of the 5th grade spot they had. And it was just a little too out in the sticks for me. On the way home, I stopped at like 10 schools and dropped my resume and cover letter in the hopes of getting more interviews.

Then I spend the day/night the best way possible: with Dana and Emily! Dana and I hit the pool to tan, where we saw someone actually drown and get saved, and we also hung out in the whirl pool. AND we got ice cream for $1 and just really felt like little kids haha. We went and grabbed pizza that night with Emily and shopped at Target (and yes we couponed for that pizza)!

I have had 2 more interviews since the first one, and I have another lined up...but I'm going to wait a little bit before I post about those!

Silly Lily and Her Not So Bummer Summer with Aunt Holly
All of last week I kept my niece because her day care was closed and because I wanted to take her to Vacation Bible School at my church. She loved VBS! I am so glad she liked it because VBS at our church is a little intense. It's 3 hours everyday and pretty structured. She was happy because some of her classmates from Kindergarten were in her VBS class, including her little "boyfriend" Ben. The teacher told me they sat next to each other and talked everyday! And when we left everyday, Ben made his grandma pull up next to her so that he could say bye to Lily. And her mom told me she came home with his number and address one day at school haha...looks like Lily has a little crush! Everyday when I took her, she would be like, "Do you think Ben will like um talk to me today Aunt Holly?" Hilarious.

She REALLY liked the final cookout for VBS. There was a huge bounce slide and she kept going up and down it. She probably went down it about 50 times the whole time we were there. She was a little mad at me because I made her eat first, but she got over it once I finally let her play.

We spent the whole week reading Junie B. Jones books. Lily reminds me of Junie in so many ways because she has this little sassy attitude sometimes and she hates school. Well, we bought Lily some of those books and she has not stopped reading them! We read two whole books over the course of two days because she did not want to stop reading! That made me really happy.

We also took Lily to Chuck E. Cheese. I learned that 90 tokens can last about 15 minutes with her. She BLEW those tokens fast, and I thought it would take her 2 hours. She kept putting them in the machines that take like 2 seconds to play. For $20 she left with some candy and little toys. We had such a great week together though, I was sad when it ended.

Summer of Fun with Matthew:
I know that Matthew reads my blog, so I hope he sees my list of fun that we will be completing/blogging about this summer =]

1. Go the zoo
2. Go to Lazy 5 Ranch
3. Go to NASCAR Hall of Fame
4. Race go carts at Victory Lane Speedway
5. Play volleyball/hike around Blythe Landing
6. Go to wing night at the Rusty Rudder every week
7. Go to a Gastonia Grizzlies game
8. Go to a Charlotte Knight's Game
9. Go to Alive After 5 in Belmont
10. Go on a real, old-timey picnic complete with red checkered picnic blanket
11. Go hiking (we can picnic at the same time!) at South Mountain State Park

Any ideas to add to our list? =]

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