Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hendersonville Recap

For the weekend, I went with Matthew to visit his family and friends in Hendersonville. I LOVE going up there because it's always a pretty drive, I get to see a lot of people, and there are a lot of places Matt and I like to eat at/hang out at when we are there.

We got there really late Friday night, so we just watched a few episodes of Dexter. I was freaked out for some reason, and slept with both lights on in my room, ha! We slept in really late, then went and picked up Matt and his dad's new toy:

We took it back to his house and took it for a cruise around their property, and we took his two puppies for the ride with us. Rex was completely calm and enjoying the ride, Louie on the other hand, kept trying to jump out of my lap and clawed my legs up. We put Louie out for Lap 2 and let Rex stay with us. While we were driving around, we saw a turkey and four chicks fly up into a tree when we went by (I never realized how high turkeys could fly). We laid around for a little while and ate lunch with his parents (I am still sad that we did not go to to Hot Dog World).

Matt had told me we were going to dinner at his friend's house with his parents, and I assumed it was just us. Matt did not inform me that it was actually a Going Away to the Army party for his friend Nick. I was a little surprised to see so many people there, but I am happy that I got to meet some of Matt's friends that I have always heard about. The guys played Cornhole for a long time, we ate hot dogs, and sit around and talked about what they all used to do in high school (they were bad kids..haha).

Here is the cake Justin decorated for Nick:

And Matt's dad has the best tan lines I have ever seen:

On Sunday we went to church with Matt's family and came home and grilled steaks. We went to Kilwin's on Main Street so that I could pick up my favorite candy, and I got some dog treats for the puppies.

Here is us after church:

And here is Louie & Rex with their big brother Matt:

I see a strong resemblance between all three =)

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