Thursday, April 28, 2011

License Plate Blues

Let me create a picture of my week to set the mood for this post: First, I was attacked by a rooster (refer to this blog post). Second, my mom spend a couple of days in the hospital then was sent home. Third, my Dad called 911 when she had problems breathing and she complained of chest pain. Fourth, a heart cath revealed that she had blockage in an artery. Fifth, she had to have a stint put in to ease the blockage around her heart and has been in recovery since 5 PM today. This is my pity party post clearly.

My car was parked in the parking deck since 2 AM last night, and before that it had been parked for about 7 hours in the Emergency parking lot. I moved it in the middle of the night to the parking deck because I was worried about hail/trees because of the incoming storm. As far as I know, my car had a license plate on it throughout the time I parked it and moved it to the parking deck.

Fast forward to about 7 PM today. I was TIRED of eating at the hospital food court (although the food is pretty tasty) so I decided to go eat at Bojangles. I walk out to my car, unlock my doors, then walk to back to the trunk of my car because it looked different. That's when I realized that my license plate was gone. I looked all around my car and walked around the deck, but I could not find it. I walked back inside to the security desk to see if anyone had turned one in (Yes, I am that optimistic).

The security guard let me down when he said someone probably stole it. We filled out a report together, then I had to call the police, then go fill out a report with them. Now I have to go take the report and get a new one tomorrow. RIDICULOUS! The cops said the only way anything would ever come of it was if a cop pulled over a car with that tag. Apparently people steal tags because they don't want to put insurance on their car to get the tag, pay the tag fees, or they have a stolen car. Awesome.

If I ever see that tag on another car, it will take all of my willpower not to ram their rear-end with my car.

And to end the story, I stopped at Target to buy a few things I needed at the hospital. When I came out, a cop was behind my car checking it out. I can't wait to get pulled eight million times tomorrow on the way to get my new tag.

My car looks so sad.

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