Last night I wrote a blog about my first night serving at work, and Matt commented on it "HALF POUND BACON CHEESEBURGER!" So this blog is in response to his comment =]
The other day, Matt made me bring him Cracker Barrel food because he was hungry and craving a burger. Well I got it wrong (or he is blaming me even though I was not the one who put the order together) because he didn't get his 2 cups of Ranch that he wanted. Let me add, that I don't get a discount on his food and I paid full price for it AND there is an extra charge for his onion rings.
So for anyone who ever takes Matt to Cracker Barrel or picks up food for him, Matt wants:
A plain half-pound bacon cheeseburger (nothing but bacon and cheese)
Onion Rings
One container of Mayonnaise
TWO containers of Ranch
If it's not like that, he will blame you for it being wrong.
haha when I was younger I wasn't allowed to order that at cracker barrel because supposedly it took longer than everything else it's a funny story just ask mom and dad about it