Friday, August 20, 2010

What Happens When Loose Change Falls Into Your Steering Wheel...

Today I had to work from 5:00 until 9:30 for the evening shift at Cracker Barrel. I decided to leave early so that I could stop for food. I stopped at an Arby's 3 parking lots over from where I work, so that I could just cut through the parking lots to get to work. Whenever I ordered, my total was $3.23 so I got out three ones and a quarter.

Well, as I went to hand the drive-through worker a quarter, it fell out of my hand and into a crevice in my steering wheel. It was too far in for me to get it, so I take a card and run it through the crevice to make it come out...this was NOT a good idea.

Apparently, a quarter will either press something or connect wires in my steering wheel that make my car honk it's horn, without needing me to even touch the center of my wheel. So, the whole time I am pulling out of the drive through, my car is blowing its horn. I turn into a parking spot, and when I turned it the quarter moved so it stopped. Then I backed out...and it honked once and stopped.

So I drive away, behind a large white truck full of people...go around a curve, hear the quarter move....and my horn goes off without stopping. The people in the truck thought I was honking at them I think, because they immediately roll down all of their windows and flip me off. I am a whimp, and since my car wouldn't stop honking, I sped away into another parking lot and luckily when I turned the wheel the horn stopped. But I have a very recognizable car so I really hope they never find me out anywhere lol.

I pull into work, and it goes off again. Out of frustration, I started shaking my wheel. I mean, could I even take it to a garage to have that fixed? And all I could think about was what I was going to do when I went in to work 4.5 hours at Cracker Barrel while my car sat in the parking lot beeping it's horn the whole time. Luckily, the shaking of the wheel jiggled it loose and the quarter fell into my lap.

The moral of the story is: I will never ever hand change over my steering wheel unless there is saran wrap or something over the wheel...haha only me!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Matt's Cracker Barrel Order

Last night I wrote a blog about my first night serving at work, and Matt commented on it "HALF POUND BACON CHEESEBURGER!" So this blog is in response to his comment =]

The other day, Matt made me bring him Cracker Barrel food because he was hungry and craving a burger. Well I got it wrong (or he is blaming me even though I was not the one who put the order together) because he didn't get his 2 cups of Ranch that he wanted. Let me add, that I don't get a discount on his food and I paid full price for it AND there is an extra charge for his onion rings.

So for anyone who ever takes Matt to Cracker Barrel or picks up food for him, Matt wants:

A plain half-pound bacon cheeseburger (nothing but bacon and cheese)
Onion Rings
One container of Mayonnaise
TWO containers of Ranch

If it's not like that, he will blame you for it being wrong.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Can I Take Your Order???

If you want to skip and go to just my blonde moments, they're listed at the bottom!

For the past 3 days, I have been training to start serving at Cracker Barrel. For the first two nights, I "shadowed" my trainer and just made drinks, cleaned, refilled drinks, and put some orders into our ordering computer. Tonight, I served while my trainer "shadowed" me. It was crazy!

I started off serving one man, and I had a really goofy look on my face the whole time from nerves. When he left though, he left me a note with the words "Good Job!" and a smiley that made me feel more confident. The next group was a large group of 6 with kids....and I think I made them nervous because when I was passing out drinks I may or may not have come close to knocking over a sweet tea on someone...luckily I did not do that....just almost did.

Whenever you are training, you should only have about 3 tables because literally you have no idea what is going on. Not only was it a Friday night, but I had 5 tables. At one point only 2 were taken, but then 3 tables got sat in the rest at once (triple-sat) so I had to greet everyone, take orders, and continue to my next basically things were busy for me and slow for people waiting for their orders to be taken. And, some of those people who came in during that time included: Mack, Avery, and much as I wanted to chit chat with them, my trainer was like "MOVE FAST" so I could not talk to them which was sad.

After all of our tables left from the group that triple sat, we were really slow. I ended up leaving 15 minutes early, and I got compliments from 5 guests, 2 managers, 2 of my trainers, and other servers. Most of them couldn't believe that I had never served somewhere else before, which was good to hear! Now I am officially a server!

Blonde Moments:
-Almost knocking a sweet tea on a poor woman who I scared
-Refilling a sweet tea with un-sweet tea (which someone pointed out as I did it, and I fixed it!)
-Telling someone we have Vinaigrette dressing when we actually have only oil and vinegar
-Refilling a Sprite with water....which I realized after the drink looked really weird...but in my defense, the woman handed me her class and asked for me because she thought I brought out Sprite.
-I can't even begin to count how many words I pronounced wrong and all of my stuttering moments....most people were patient with me though!

And FYI, if you go in before August 13 whenever they go away forever, try the Campfire Beef or Chicken....the meat is slow roasted with corn, potatoes, and carrots and the are AWESOME! Also, my recent obsession is the turnip greens with apple cider vinegar....I never ate them until this week but they are AMAZING there!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Oh noooo, your tires all flat and junk!!

o on Saturday evening I kept trying to go home. Well, the entrance ramps to the interstate were all closed off and it took about 20 minutes to get to one I could use. This should have been my sign to stay at my apartment.

A mile from my house, I came around a curve and in the blind part of the curve there was something that I saw right before I drove over it. I thought it was either a pothole or something in the road, but wasn't sure. When I drove over it, my car made a really loud noise and then after I drove over it, it's like my car was making a weird noise and wobbling/shaking. I pulled over to see what was wrong, and was shocked to find my tire flat with the rim basically sitting on the ground.

My first instinct was to call Matt, who was not anywhere near me. So of course my next person was my big brother, who was about thirty minutes away. I was ready to cry because there is no way I could change my tire by myself, but he said he would call his best friend to come change my tire.

While I waited, I freaked out. All of my tires are brand new (2 months old) and I was so upset that I had ruined one. While I sat and waited, cars kept pulling over to check on me. Let me explain that I was sitting at the entrance of a trailer park and some woods, which was not somewhere I liked sitting by myself with people pulling up.

Two guys pulled up and offered help, and I was a little surprised when the person said, "Holly are you okay?Do you need some help?" It turned out to be my friend Wes, who I used to go to car shows with my freshman year of high school, and my other friend Nick who I went to middle and high school with and rode the bus with. I explained that my brother's friend was on his way, but they were nice enough to stop and help me anyways so that when Kevin got there he didn't have to do it all on his own.

After they pulled my tire off, Kevin said they was nothing wrong with it, and he didn't know why it was flat. When I looked at it, I realized that the rim was dented SO BAD. I thought I was going to have to go buy a new rim. Lucky for me, my big brother is a welder and works with metal for a living. So the next day, he came and picked up my rim and took it to his shop to work on. He got the dent out, and nothing is wrong with the tire or rim now, and I didn't have to spend any money on repairs=] which was awesome!