Friday, September 16, 2011

School Year Quotes

Miss D: "Class why do we go to math centers?"
Class Response: "So you can let us have a little fun cuz you's a mean teacher the rest of the day."

Girls in my class at the reading center playing school:
Girl 1: "Okay, you get to be Miss Dellinger first. Then I get to be Miss Dellinger."
Girl 2: "No I want to be Miss Dellinger first!!!!"
Girl 3: "No I am Miss Dellinger sit criss-cross applesauce!!"

Boy: "But Miss D. I don't want to play with shapes, shapes give me headacheeeessss!!"

While passing out hand sanitizer before lunch:
Boy: "You have to be careful with that stuff Miss D. If you give us too much, our germs become SUPER GERMS and then they are immune to our germs and we will get sick."
(The look on his face was like 'duh')

While there were people at our school voting in the primary elections, this little boy said to the voting officials:
Boy: "You have to watch out for those Seperatists. They are the bad guys. Like the Democrats, they're bad too. You have to vote for people who support the Republic, like the Republicans. They are the good guys! VOTE REPUBLICAN!"
Same boy later at lunch: "I wish I were 18 so I could vote Republican Ms. D"

While talking about the weather and rain:
Miss D.: "So when the rain falls down, it goes in the rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, and into the ground. But what happens to the other water? It goes away because of something called, and this is a really big word, e-vap-or-a-tion. Does anyone have any idea what this might mean?"
Boy: "Yeah um it means that the sun comes out and drys up the rain. Then it goes back up into the clouds. Clouds are made of water. Then it falls back down again as rain or snow or ice. IT'S CALLED THE WATER CYCLE MISS D. DUH!"