For the past month, I have been using my iPod Touch to communicate online, and borrowing my roommate's computers every once in a while. While I could stand touch typing on my iPod enough to Facebook and check e-mail, there was NO WAY I was going to update my blog with it.
Today I have my computer-my old one back, but it might as well be a brand new laptop. Last summer I had the motherboard and keyboard strip replaced. This month, I took it in for repairs on my CD/DVD drive and USB ports because none were working. Because they weren't working, I could not back up anything. I did not think this would be a problem, because the things being repaired would not effect my memory.
Well, I thought wrong. Today as I was eating lunch with my friend Emily, I got a random phone call from a random phone number. I recognized it as Geek Squad because they had called me at 7:30 AM the previous morning to let me know that my computer was FINALLY being shipped back. Well this time the person on the phone told me while they were repairing my computer somehow the hard drive crashed, and had to be replaced...which means I lost all of the data on my computer. My computer didn't even have an Operating System. I stil don't understand how, but somehow they replaced the hard drive and still had the hard drive in their possession. He said for a fee of $60 they could check to see if anything to be recovered, and then charge a price to me seperate to buy any of my recovered data back...but I would lose the $60 even if they found nothing. Needless to say, I was MAD. Poor Emily, she said I kept getting louder and louder on the phone haha and we were in the middle of eating on campus. As she put it though, what happened to my computer was like taking your car to have the brakes fixed, and then finding out they broke the engine while repairing the brakes.
I pretty much have a new computer now, even though it is the same computer. The hard drive (programs, music, pictures, documents, settings) are all gone. I also have a new DVD drive, USB ports, outer casing, hard drive, and randomly a new motherboard. Luckily I had a restoration disk for the operating system, and most of my documents and pictures are backed up and saved. The only thing I am concered about is my iTunes music that I purchased. It's all on my iPod Touch, but if I hook it up to my computer without any iTunes music on my computer, I will lose all the songs on my iPod too.
I heard that I can call Apple and have them help me restore it, so hopefully that will work!
Other than my computer the only things going on in my life are class (even though Algebra has become optional at this point), starting a new job as a server at Cracker Barrel, and that pretty much it right now!
Oh and to explain the title, Geek Squad should call themselves Search and Destroy would be a better way to describe their services!